Monaco Editor Model
This page will list down all the available methods added by the Constrained Editor Plugin to the monaco editor model.
Available methods- getCurrentEditableRanges
- getValueInEditableRanges
- disposeRestrictions
- onDidChangeContentInEditableRange
- updateValueInEditableRanges
- updateRestrictions
- toggleHighlightOfEditableAreas
GetCurrentEditableRangesThis method will give the current value of the editable ranges
Returns EditableRangeObject
const instanceOfConstrainedEditor = constrainedEditor(monaco);instanceOfConstrainedEditor.initializeIn(monacoEditorInstance);const model = monacoEditorInstance.getModel();console.log(model.getCurrentEditableRanges());
{ "utilName": { "allowMultiline": false, "index": 0, "range": { "startLineNumber": 1, "startColumn": 7, "endLineNumber": 1, "endColumn": 12 }, "originalRange": [1, 7, 1, 12] }, "funcDefinition": { "allowMultiline": true, "index": 1, "range": { "startLineNumber": 3, "startColumn": 1, "endLineNumber": 3, "endColumn": 43 }, "originalRange": [3, 1, 3, 43] }}
GetValueInEditableRangesThis method will return the current value in the Editable Ranges.
Returns ValueInEditableRange : with RangeLabel as key
{ "utilName": "utils", "funcDefinition": "// Enter the content for the function here"}
DisposeRestrictionsThis method is used to remove all restrictions from the model.
monacoEditorInstance.disposeConstrainer will internally call this method
Returns model : with all the methods removed
OnDidChangeContentInEditableRangeThis method is used to add the callback for listening the changes happened inside the editable ranges.
Parameters- currentlyChangedContent : ValueInEditableRange
- allValuesInEditableRanges: ValueInEditableRange
- currentEditableRangeObject : EditableRangeObject
model.onDidChangeContentInEditableRange(function ( currentlyChangedContent, allValuesInEditableRanges, currentEditableRangeObject) { // Function to execute on content change inside editable ranges});
UpdateValueInEditableRangesThis method can be used update the contents inside the editable ranges.
Arguments- currentValuesAsObject : ValueInEditableRange
model.updateValueInEditableRanges({ utilName: "New Util Name", funcDefinition: "Content to update",});
UpdateRestrictionsThis method can be used to change the entire restrictions of the model.
Arguments- newRestrictions : Array<RangeRestrictionObject>
model.updateRestrictions([ { range: [1, 1, 1, 6], label: "variableDeclarator" }]);
ToggleHighlightOfEditableAreasThis method is mostly useful during development, this can be used to visually see the editable ranges.
Arguments- cssClasses : Object<cssClasses>
model.toggleHighlightOfEditableAreas({ cssClassForSingleLine : 'customClass--singleLine', cssClassForMultiLine : 'customClass--multiLine'});
This will highlight the single line restrictions and multi line restrictions in different colors